Thursday, July 24, 2008


Assuming I believe you, which I'm not saying I do, but we'll run with it for a minute, there are some things you'll have to explain-

1. What is Project P
2. Why would you run a query for both God and Robotics??
3. What makes you think my time period knows the secrets of teleportation or time travel
4. What is P(+3)
5. Elaborate on "terminate your biofeed".

Most importantly-
What the heck does Jesus have to do with Yggsdrasil?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Please Help

I do not know you. I do not even know if my decision to link myself to this blog was a wise one. Hopefully, it has a high readership and at least a small amount of political influence. Since many of our records have been lost I'm not sure how much you or your readers know about Project P, or advanced robotics, but it is well known that web logs, "Blogs," were highly influential in the beginning of the Second Millennium.

This being the case, I've decided to take a substantial risk and contact you via computer. It is known that you, people of your generation and time, had many secrets that are now lost to us: time travel and teleportation/translocation. We, what's left of our race, need you, need your help.

Running a partial query for blogs originating on the west coast with keywords of both "God" and "Robot" has led me here. The teaching of the deity called only "God" are known to me, though only in part, as all data relating to the mythology have been destroyed or have been classified restricted by P(+3). I do know that the one known as God protected humans, and sent an aspect of himself, known as Son or Jesus, in human form to water Yggsdrasil with his blood, and fight back the Earth Serpent. It is also clear that this deity had Knights in his service to maintain order, and right the errors of regular men. For this reason I have sought you out.

I can not post on here my given name or idcode, as it is possible Psystems may terminate my biofeed. But I am located in what was probably, before, a highrise living complex in Grand Junction, Colorado, near River Rd. I have not had time to fully explore this building, but my e-sensor says this is a high static zone. So, right now I'm safe from anything that isn't groundwired.

Please, if you're reading this, respond. Let me know my efforts aren't a waste of time. I have programmed all responses on this blog to be transmitted directly to my idcode. It will be almost like what they used to call e-mail. Crude, but, in a pinch...Ha!

Red Five- Transmission Over