Thursday, April 9, 2009

So Long...And thanks for all the Postage

So, I don't work at the Chamber anymore.

I thought if I left the job without another in reserve, I'd be in dire straits and stressed out beyond measure.

Turns out, I feel like the Governor just called and granted a pardon. I hated the Chamber more than I realized. Instead of worrying about covering bills and rent, all I can think is, "Thank you God, for not making me have to go there anymore."

I'm excited to look at other jobs, and see if maybe I can get in somewhere I'm a little more appreciated, or maybe write full time for a while.

The economy is tanking, liberal sensibilities are taking over the world, I have no steady source of income, yet I'm happier than I have been in at least five years.

Go shove it, work world.
