Yeah, you've got elements, mutated wild animals, disease, starvation and the crushing despair of loneliness, but what's that compared to the slow-death of a job in a corporate environment? You have it bad, no doubt, but at least you're not having your masculinity incrementally stripped away. Somewhere in our(my) recent history, it stopped being okay to be a man, and that's wrong.
I'm living in a world where wisdom is dictated by self-help manuals, and clarity is attained through the words on Affirmation Posters. It's dog crap, Red. I shit you not, a woman just walked in and handed me a manila folder full of birthday cards and said I should sign them. Of all the people in the folder, I only know two, and I only like one. I'm supposed to sign all of them though, so nobody feels left out. Are you kidding me?
I'm living in the rise of the Metrosexuals. Men are becomming sissies, and I'm expected to get in line, let them wax me and cut my hair. Screw that, Man. I want to be a little unkempt. I want to go commando. I want to love sex, enjoy fist fights and eat massive quantities of beef in all its glorious forms.
You detractors of the masculine form can all go suck off a goat. Enjoy.
Real men punch each other:

Real men are bald:

Real men bleed:

Real men scowl menacingly:

Real men kiss pretty girls as a reward for doing a good job:
Real men have buttcracks:

Real men train the younger generation:

Real men cry:

Real men cop a feel, brazenly:

So take that, Metro jerks.
I'm sorry your job is sapping your life and manhood, Friend.
And thank you for sharing the pictures of your friends and family. They make me feel...warm.
Why is that gentleman's hand bleeding?
Excuse me Mr. Robbery Joe. My name is Ashley I'm with Sassy Sephora hair and nail salon. I tried calling the number we have for you, but was unable to reach you. This web address was given as an alternative form to contact you. We wanted to confirm your wax, facial and hair color/style appointment tomorrow morning. Please call the salon to confirm.
God damn it! Quit your job. Take a fucking trip, man. Go to Alaska, go to fucking Indonesia. Just do it.
Listen. You are wise beyond your years. Also hilarious. You have to live. What is college besides a fucking invention of 20th century man? Yeah, you've done it. Now throw that shit away and live your life.
You are young, brother. Learn to mountaineer and go climb fucking Denali. Do it for me...
So many comments so fast. I feel loved.
Red- It's okay, Man. Souls are remarkably resilient. You're welcome for the pictures. How's the weather up there? the worst of winter is over, yeah? And that's Bricker's hand. He did that punching an owl. Sometimes I'm afraid of that guy.
Ashley- I figured this would be apparent, but maybe not. I only went in there and put down an appointment so you'd call. I seem to be rather lacking in the Valentine department this year. Interested?
Jimmy- I'm not a mountaineer. I'm a beach guy and the sea's in my veins. If I somehow acquired a sailboat and adventured that way, would that be acceptable?
Sorry to hear you're lacking on such a holiday. Maybe you're not looking hard enough.
That's terrible your friend was menaced by an owl. I had a similar problem with wasps when I first escaped here.
Please explain the term "Metrosexual". As best I can tell, that would be someone who has sex on board (possibly with?) public transport systems. Is that really such a problem in your time that you feel your way of life is being threatened? I'm having trouble understanding.
You must help...
You must...
How does showing that boy crying support your point?
You people are hopeless.
Red- No, Metrosexuals don't have sex with busses. I'm not sure what they have sex with, but they walk the line of masculine and feminine, and not in a sexy way.
Old Man In The Desert- Who are you people? Why does my blog attract cosmic vagrants?
Bricker- Real men cry when it's appropriate. Tyson cried during I Am Sam. Tanis cried when Flint died. I cried when I put my dog down. You were man enough to let me snap a picture in public with that face. You're a friggen superhero.
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