Thursday, May 17, 2007

Groundbreaking News!!

Gentlemen...this is the most important day of my life. Actually, August 14, 2007 will be the most important day of my life. That's right. You guessed it. After waiting for so long, Warner Bros. will finally be releasing Kenneth Branaugh's Hamlet out on DVD. This is so friggen sweet.

Here's a picture. Not one from the film, but I thought you'd like it just the same.

This guy heard the call. And I photographed his license plate. He probably doesn't know. Unless the Great Old Ones told him. In which case, I'm fucked. I'm pretty tough, but I can't take Hastur the Unspeakable, He Who Must Not Be Named. Think about that.


Unknown said...

Xangor X will prevail.

Robbery_Joe said...

Xangor X and Mauricio sittin' in a tree...

Unknown said...

what does this mean?

Zach said...

I also have no idea what is with your obsession with vanity plates as of late.

Patrick said...

im almost positive i thought you were some random creepy guy from the net.

by the way i found that picture of the big guy in the coat, and the beard... i googled that mo