Friday, April 6, 2007

Randal Flagg

Randy Flagg is one of the worst villains in literature. You know why? Cause he's like Iago. He has no motive. He just wants to screw everything up for everyone.

You know who else is like that?

The friggen' Shredder, that's right. I'm talking about Iroko Saki. Why did he want to kill the Turtles? No reason. He had a feud with Hamato Yosi, Master Splinter, but he just wanted to kill the Turtles cause he was a douche.

As a side note. I didn't see this guy's face. Usually that would be like "Psh...who cares, you didn't see the guys face." But not when the guy's initials are RF. Ramsey Forrest, Richard Fry, Robert Franq, Russell Faraday, Richard Fannin...Yeah...We're talkin' about The Walkin' Dude.

I didn't see this guy's boots either, but if he wasn't wearing faded blue jeans and dusty boots, I'm a Billy Bumbler.

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