Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Good Times

So in this picture I'm totally decking the Jimma-Jam. That's cool in itself, but the real star is Bricker. Look at him, in the corner, so menacing, so Joe-Cool. Bricker doesn't smoke, but that guy in the picture sure does.

Sometimes, at 7:00am it's good to elbow-drop your friends. Bricker has Jimmy here. He's actually beating him pretty brutally. Why am I elbow-dropping him? Not so I can save Jimmy, it's so I can simultaneously pound both their faces into hamburger.

See, there's two ways to look at this shot. I like to pretend I'm kicking Bricker in the chest and he's flying away Jon Wu style. What's really happening is I'm trying to kick him in the solar plexus and he's thwarting my attempt with his bet. Seriously, Bricker was coordinated and lightning fast enough to wrap his belt around my leg mid-kick. He's the biggest bad-ass. I don't care if Jimmy can kill a man with his thumb or not. Also...Look at Jimmy in this picture. The fact that he's sitting back, toad-style, watching in amazement instead of joining in the carnage is bigger testament to what's going on than my simple words can convey.

Possibly my favorite shot. Bricker is already out, laying on the ground, helpless, certainly crippled, probably permanently. I'm useless, Jimmy lands a solid right, all 130 lbs of him backing the blow. You know I was out before I even hit the ground. After this, the camera goes black and Jimmy feeds his dark essence with our souls. It makes a man weep.

The hat that's been knocked off Bricker's head and lies motionless amidst the bloodshed is really a statement about our society. Probably. Think about it. Also, think about this:

Yeah. I'm that friggen cool. See what you're missing, Jim? You could have been watching me make out first hand, instead you're "saving lives" and "fulfilling a duty to your country and ancestors." Whatever.


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say, you are definitely not a homo.

Robbery_Joe said...

Thank you, Erik.

Anonymous said...

Você é ambos os morons, e seu gracejo stupid do "homo" não é mesmo engraçado.

Robbery_Joe said...

What? Speak English, Rodrigo. C'mon. Tony Stark gets Homer. I'm stuck with a rusty box that speaks flawed Portuguese.

What makes him so special?

Anonymous said...

I'm rich.

Robbery_Joe said...

Good point.

Anonymous said...

Por favor, faça exame de me com você, Sai. Não me deixe com eles.

Robbery_Joe said...

Shut up Rodrigo.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, Rodrigo.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, Rodrigo.

Robbery_Joe said...

Every side's your good side, Baby Girl.

Patti said...

DUDE. Things I don't need to see. Stop already.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Rodrigo.

Anonymous said...

Long live Mike Fay.

Robbery_Joe said...

Long live Mike Fay!

Zach said...

Glorious. With another comic addition of my mother's.